My highway to Shamballa - Shortmoovie by Arturo Prins


Director: Arturo Prins

Screenwriter: Arturo Prins

Genre: Documentary

Running time: 90/120 min.

In various religious traditions, Shambhala is a mythical realm hidden somewhere beyond the snow-capped mountains of the Himalayas and the Gobi Desert; as it was well portrayed in Frank Capra’s film, “Lost Horizons” (1937). The objective of the film is to become a hitchhiker who goes from Madrid towards the Gobi Desert hitchhiking to the place where they say the Spiritual kingdom of Shambhala is found. And I will do it by invoking the good will and heart of the drivers of any car that is on its way to the East of the planet, to Asia, through 12 nations.

This place is located in southern Mongolia, and one of the dimensional gates to this promised land is in the Khamar Monastery in Sainshand. Behind this spiritual center of Love and Light, there is another center, unnamed to the West, but which the East gives the name of Shambhala. Perhaps the western name is Shangrilha – which is being recognized everywhere and represents a center of happiness and purpose. Shambhala or Shangrilha, is the place where the Will of the planetary consciousness is focused. The patience and sustained love of Shambhala are infinite as they are said in Buddhist esoteric texts, and that is my intention: to charge myself with patience in the direction of the planetary heart, the highest chakra on earth, the White Island as it is often called, and to portray the journey with a camera in an artistic journey of video creation, together with an artist’s notebook, drawing log diary and album of immediate portraits of those kind-hearted men who cross the road and bring me closer to the East, painting In small papers the landscapes of the trip, and filming it, such as the expeditions organized by the Russian painter of the early twentieth century Nicholas de Roerich, who ventured to that place with an expedition of Sherpas. It is said of this place, that from there the great political movements and the destiny of races and nations, and their progress, are decided; in the same way religious movements, cultural developments and spiritual ideas are sent from that hierarchical center of Love and Light. When the drivers ask me where I am going, I will answer: “To Shambhala, to the house of good-hearted men, can you bring me closer?”

I want to portray this mythical Ithaca, or more than it, the way of walking. For this reason, the esoteric teaching emphasizes the fact that the soul of man is a Lord of Sacrifice and of persistent and loving devotion in his journey through the infinite incarnations, two outstanding qualities of the Life of Shambhala, supportive and life-giving. But this journey is made neither of faith nor blind devotion, but of the knowledge of experience. The path of vain curiosity must be transformed into a sincere learning of what each man and landscape of this earth teaches me on the journey.

The references that I will cite here, and even others less clear, are those that I have studied, analyzed and pursued for years through a dense oriental occult literature, as an inner and outer goal of knowledge. They are the keys or rather clues to get closer to what in my opinion represents a trip to Shangrilha, the trip itself as a form of inner exploration and contact. This project aims to be a video recording of each step taken in that Eastern direction and that they bring me closer to that goal, like a kaleidoscope of countries, cultures and hearts that I will run into in each car of each nation in search of that mythical territory and forgotten by our western civilization. It will be a journey to the heart of the Planetary Logos, the incarnation of the consciousness of our world. And as much as it sounds like literature of impossible transcendence, I have the certainty that myth can reveal a profound truth in this work.

“Shamballa, is the custodial center of the plan for our planet.” “… The whole problem of Shamballa’s will is in the process of revelation, and at the time of it, it will totally alter the disciple’s approach to initiation in the new age. The subject of the “way to Shamballa” requires thoughtful study and esoteric understanding. This concept of the new and future section (if I may call it that) of the Way or Path, facing the modern disciple, holds the secret of the future revelation and of the spiritual dispensation that will emerge when humanity builds the new world civilization and begins to shape the new culture. The purifying and destructive consuming effects of the monadic will on its distorted reflection, the individual will, deserve deep consideration.”

“The initiate and the Master, together with those of higher rank who identify with Shambhala, in a constant and increasing way, hear more clearly the Sound emanating from the spiritual Central Sun, which penetrates our planet in all forms of life through our planetary Logos, who hears with all clarity and understanding, the Sound of the lower syllable of the Ineffable Name of Him in Whom the planetary Logos live, move and have their Being, since They are centers of the LIFE that expresses itself through a solar system.”

Perhaps three concepts regarding Shamballa have been forged in their minds, if they have tried to adopt the true esoteric attitude:

1. That Humanity exists in the substance of planetary Life, as a great centre of intelligent energy.

2. That the spiritual centre where the attractive, coherent and magnetic energy is focused, flows from there in two directions: A. Towards the three worlds and the four kingdoms of nature, B. towards Shamballa and the two higher manifested realms, constituting what we commonly call Hierarchy, the kingdom of God, the centre of love and mediating understanding (note these last two words).

3. That there is another centre, neither spiritual nor human, but characterized by divinity. Divinity is the expression of the will or purpose of the One in Whom we live, move and have our being. That Shamballa is the centre where the will of God is focused, and is dynamically sent to fulfil the purpose. “Treatise on the 7 Rays, Alice Bailey

Shamballa. Sacred Island that exists in the Gobi desert. This centre is in central Asia, where the Lord of the World, the Ancient of Days, has his headquarters. H. P. B. in The Secret Doctrine says that “said place is very mysterious due to future associations.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire. Alice Bailey.

Sometimes, when we lack the will to start the search for what we dream of so much, fate manages to drag us towards the encounter with our ideals. And this happens, when inside our being, a strong boiling is manifested that drives us incessantly against any bond that can hold us back. What we want is more powerful than what we do, what we feel is more telling than what we express in words, and what is realized is what is manifested deep within our guts.

The objective of the investigation of a journey to the East is given as Marco Polo’s trip and the desire to explore routes of forgotten countries and territories through the will and generosity of men of good will who slowly bring me closer to Shambhala with their cars, taxis, buses, horses or carriages. The task is carried by the generosity of each man towards a magical place through the generosity of each one; in return, he will receive a drawing of his portrait.

The experiment is an inward journey through lands, landscapes and human beings, faithfully portraying the people who are taking me in their cars, like a blog diary on a slow and deep road, the road to Asia, the Planetary Heart as a myth.

This trip will be a Total Work in itself, knowing that perhaps I will not find the final destination, since only those men who have too pure hearts can access Shambhala, for this reason the work wants to infer not so much in the goal as in the path that purifies, in the adventure of slow, videographic exploration of the journey itself; in the Odyssey of the enormous journey: in the conflicts, in the difficulties and impediments, the advances, the successes, the losses and discoveries of a road of 10,404 km. made like a Hitchhiker Towards the sky … and this coincidence with the famous series of the 80s by Michael Landon where an angel is making his way through the conflicts of men, women and children, like a nomad, who is solving with tact, love and lucidity. As stated in the title of the series in English Highway to Heaven, it represents for me that same path, a journey of trust and kindness through hitchhiking, not without difficulties and that wants to guide the trip to the East. Travelling requires functioning sensually to the fullest: emotion, affection, enthusiasm, amazement, questioning, surprise, joy and amazement, everything is mixed in the exercise of the beautiful and the sublime. Oneself, that is the great issue of the trip. Yourself and nothing else.

That is why I also mention Nicholas de Roerich who in 1923, together with his wife and his children, undertook an expedition to the East, in order to study the customs, languages, religions and cultures of those regions. The journey lasted five years and took them to places like Chinese Turkestan, Altai, Mongolia and Tibet. During that tour, Roerich produced approximately 500 paintings that reflect the evolution of his philosophical concepts and his perception of the splendor of regions such as northern India. After the expedition, the family settled permanently in the Kulu Valley, in the hills at the foot of the Himalayas, before an imposing view. He also searched the Himalayas for this famous spiritual centre that already in Frank Capra’s film “Lost Horizons” is revealed to us as a magical place that hides the best of human beings, the best of the planet. Only those who believe will be able to see it.

Robert Conway, (Ronald Colman, leading actor), the protagonist of the film “Lost Horizons” is a man of the world, he aspires to be England’s minister of the interior, has written several books and seems to have it all, at least as far as the earthly is concerned. But what he writes goes against what he lives, and he has come to feel that “there are moments in the life of each man in which the eternal is glimpsed.”

Shangri-la possesses the fountain of eternal youth, because there, time stops, not because of what is eaten or what is drunk, but only because harmony is achieved and conflicts are absent. The name had its origin in the novel “Lost Horizons” written by the Englishman James Hilton in 1933, and later it transcended to identify some places, different spiritual organizations and artistic groups from various parts of the world. And the site described by Hilton is inspired by Sambhala, the mythical city of Tibet that is considered hidden in the Himalayan Mountains, and which many imagine as the abode of the Creator, a place where the will of God is lived and manifested.

Shangri-la has the fountain of eternal youth, because time stops, not because of what you eat or what you drink, but only because harmony is achieved and conflicts are absent. The name had its origin in the novel “Lost Horizons” written by the Englishman James Hilton in 1933, and later it transcended to identify some places, different spiritual organizations and artistic groups from various parts of the world. And the site described by Hilton is inspired by Sambhala, the mythical city of Tibet that is considered hidden in the Himalayan mountains, and which many imagine as the abode of the Creator, a place where God’s will is lived and manifested.

Conway’s experience will mark him forever, and for us, it is an access to a life intention that should leave a deep mark on our hearts. Well, the presence of beings like Father Perrault, transformed into the long-lived Grand Lama, or Chang, the host of the visitors, contains a deep wisdom that penetrates until it meets that sacred being that we all carry within.

The search for Shambhala, in the best tradition of Eastern wisdom, becomes an inner journey whose goal is self-knowledge and spiritual revelation.

The road builds the walker.